Gift Giving for Him

Gift Giving for Him
Looking for the perfect gift for Father's Day this year? I know what do you get the guy who has everything and let's face it they never really give you an idea of what to get them so ladies we are usually on our own to figure it out :) 

Young Living has taken the guess work out and has an entire line of products just for men. From shaving cream to beard oil and body wash they have created natural plant based products that the guy in your life will love.

Infused with the Shutran blend of essential oils you man will smell amazing! To learn more about the Shutran products and to some fun DIY recipes just for him click the link below to get my free digital guide instantly :)

Heart Opening Essential Oil & Crystal Perfume

Heart Opening Essential Oil & Crystal Perfume
Want to wear a delicious scent without all of the harmful toxins in conventional perfumes? You can easily make your own DIY natural parfum using a few simple ingredients you already have and essential oils. 

So what's wrong with Parfum?
Conventional parfumes are made using "fragrance". Companies do not have to label what ingredients are in their parfum because of the Trade Secrets Act. So we as the consumer have absolutely no idea what harmful toxins are in anything that is labeled with "fragrance" as an ingredient. Chemicals in fragrance are so toxic studies have shown that breathing them in as just as bad as breathing in second hand smoke. 

How to get started?
I'm going to share one of my favorite recipes here for a natural DIY parfum but I need to give credit to Melissa Poepping and her book Essential ParfumerieThis girl has done all of the work for us ladies and come up with some seriously amazing recipes using essential oils. She even came out with a book with men's cologne recipes too!

Heart Opening Essential Oil & Crystal Parfum
18 drops Cold pressed clear organic vanilla 
80 Proof Vodka
Distilled water
Rose quartz tumbled chips *

You can make this into a parfum roll-on or a parfum spray. 

Parfum Roll-on Directions
  1. Select a 10 ml glass roll-on bottle with a stainless steel roller fitment. 
  2. Add a few rose quartz tumbled chips to the bottle.
  3. Add essential oils to bottle and fill with 80 proof vodka, being careful not to overfill.
  4. Add roll-on top and tighten with cap. 
  5. Shake well before each use and roll-on
Parfum Spray Directions
  1. Select a 2 oz glass fine mist spray bottle. 
  2. Add a few rose quartz tumbled chips to the bottle.
  3. Add essential oils to bottle and fill with 1 oz 80 proof vodka and 1 oz distilled water,  being careful not to overfill.
  4. Add spray top.
  5. Shake well before each use and roll-on
I love to apply of spray this blend right over my heart to help open up the heart chakra and let love flow in and out. 

What is the Heart Chakra? 
Your heart chakra is located in the center of your chest and is the central energy center of your body with the three higher chakras located above it and the three lower chakras located below it. The heart chakra is your center of love, compassion, and spirituality. With in this chakra resides the energies of courage, forgiveness, peace, gratitude, and connectivity. Essential oils like Rose and Bergamot can help open the heart chakra and radiate love energy.

If you are new to the chakra system a book I love is Chakra Balance by April Pfender

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Women's Wellness Tea

Women's Wellness Tea
Hormones kind of run the show in our bodies.  Not having a happy balanced endocrine system can lead to stress, anxiety and many other issues. Take it from me I have personally been there and it's not a tea party :) So it is very important to learn ways to support our endocrine system and one way is with this delicious Women's Wellness Tea.

So What is the Endocrine System?
Your endocrine system is made up of a network of glands. These glands secrete hormones to regulate many body functions, including growth, metabolism, tissue function, sexual reproduction, sleep, emotions, cravings, etc. Endocrine diseases (hypothyroid, hyperthyroid, adrenal fatigue, etc.) are common and usually occur when glands produce an incorrect amount of hormones.

Given all of that, we want to make sure that we show our endocrine system lots of love so it functions as optimally as possible. But it's important to recognize the signs of endocrine and hormonal imbalance. Some of the most common signs and symptoms include:
  • Infertility and irregular periods
  • Unexplained weight gain or loss 
  • Insomnia
  • Hot Flashes
  • Low libido
  • Changes in appetite
  • Hair loss and hair thinning
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Digestive troubles
Do any of those signs sound familiar? The good news is that when we support our endocrine system with healthy eating habits, healthy sleep habits, essential oils and supplements, and when we eliminate toxins and harmful chemicals that contribute to the depletion of healthy hormone levels, our bodies have an amazing ability to restore balance! 

Women's Wellness Tea
8 oz. glass mason jar
1/2 cup Organic dried Red Raspberry Leaf

  1. Add 8 drops of EndoFlex Vitality Essential Oil to the sides of mason jar. Turning the jar to coat the sides.
  2. Add 1/2 cup of dried organic red raspberry leaf.
  3. Put lid on jar. Turn the jar on it's side and with a rolling motion mix the tea around the sides of the jar so that it will pick up the essential oils. 
  4. Each day for the next three days turn jar to mix up the tea a few times.
  5. After three days your tea is infused with the endocrine system support of EndoFlex and Red Raspberry Leaf :)
  6. Add 1 tsp to a tea steeper or natural unbleached tea bag, add boil water and steep for 8-10 minutes. 
EndoFlex Vitality is a blend of  Spearmint, Sage, Geranium, Myrtle, Nutmeg, and German Chamomile essential oils.  This unique blend supports a healthy lifestyle and is a perfect addition to your daily wellness regimen. This blend may be balancing and In addition to the popular Spearmint Vitality essential oil, EndoFlex Vitality oil features Sage, Geranium, Myrtle, Nutmeg, and German Chamomile supportive to the endocrine system. 

This nutrient and mineral dense herb has a taste that is similar to a black tea but does not contain any caffeine.  The unique profile of red raspberry leaf makes it beneficial in supporting the female reproductive system, immune system, and overall women's health and wellness. 

For Instant Access to more information about supporting Women's Wellness naturally click here link below for a free digital class. 

Essential Oil Diffuser Buddies

Essential Oil Diffuser Buddies
Looking for a fun and easy project to make with your little oilers? Diffuser buddies are a simple and inexpensive way for your kids to take their favorite oils on the go.  Clip it to their backpack for school, on the pocket of their shirt or pants or anywhere they like. You can get really creative or keep it simple. 

Here is what you need:
Wooden cloths pins (you can get these at these $ store or the $ bin at Target)
Felt stickers (you can get these at a craft store or on amazon)
Your child's favorite Young Living  essential oils

To make:
1. Pick a cloths pin. If you have plane cloths pins you can decorate them with markers or glitter paint.
2. Apply felt sticker to the push part of the cloths pin (not the clip end)
3. Add a drop or two of essential oil.
4. Clip on your child's back pack, clothes, or favorite stuffed animal. 

Essential Oils Great for the Little Ones
This is by far my little ones favorite essential oil. Lavender is very calming and relaxing and a great oil for helping kids settle down at bedtime. It is also very soothing when applied to stressed skin. 

This oil is great for kids who need a little courage. It is very calming and can help with confidence ans self-esteem. My little one asks for this oil often :) 

This is a great blend for hyperactive children. It is very calming and promotes peace and relaxation making it a great oil before bedtime. 

This blend is formulated to help stimulate the mind and help your little ones focus. This is a great oil to add to their diffuser buddy for school or when they are doing homework.

Wan to learn more about using essential oils with the little ones?

Citrus, Rose & Crystal Bath Soak

Citrus, Rose & Crystal  Bath Soak
After making the Lavender Rose Salt Scrub a few weeks ago I got to thinking how lovely a bath soak would be :) So I got out my mixing bowls and essential oils and went to work. With Mother's day just around the corner this recipe makes a perfect gift for your mom, sister, aunt or friend. This recipe combines the lovely floral scent of rose with the sweet citrus scent of Tangerine and Bergamot essential oils and the heart opening energy of Rose Quartz stones. 

Glass mixing bowl
1 cup Epsom Salts
1 cup pink Himalayan salt (I used the larger granular) 
2 tbsp organic dried rose petals (or more if you like)
20 drops rose hip seed oil*
Glass jar
muslin bags *
5-7 small tumbled rose quartz crystals*
*These ingredients are optional

  1. In a glass bowl mix salts and dried rose petals together until well combined.
  2. Add in rose hip seed oil and essential oils and mix well. Rose hip seed will make this moisturizing to the skin.
  3. Store in an airtight glass jar.
  4. To use scoop 1/4-1/2 cup into a small muslin bag. (You can add directly to the bath but you will want to skim the dried rose petals before letting the water drain).
  5. Add muslin bag into warm bath water and swish around until salts dissolve.
  6. Add 5-7 small tumbled rose quartz crystals in the tub around you. (Be sure to remove before draining the water)
  7. Sit back, relax and breath in the delicious scent. 
So you may be asking why crystals in the tub?
By infusing your bath water with crystals it can help balance the chakras (energy centers) in the body, manifest intentions an influence energies. Crystals have their own healing frequencies and can travel easily in water because water is a good conductor. Water is also highly programmable so by adding the crystals you can raise the frequency of the bath water you are relaxing in. Win win!

Rose Quartz
Rose quartz is great stone for love, kindness, compassion and self-love. Good stone to use for emotional healing and to promote joy and peacefulness. Helps to open the heart chakra and connect with divine energy. Rose quartz has been used in beauty regimens for centuries. You can actually apply them to your face to areas that are puffy. To learn more about crystals check out Hibiscus Moon's blog. 

Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to overcome  negative thoughts. When you repeat them often, and believe in them, you can start to make positive changes. Here are some great heart opening affirmations to use while soaking in your essential oil & crystal infused bath.

"I am fully open to giving and receiving love"
"My Love is unconditional"
"I invite peace into my heart"
"I open my heart to receive and express the energy of love" 

Tangerine has a sweet, calming aroma. It has a very concentrated citrus scent that is sweeter than any others in the citrus family. It is great for emotional balance and is very calming to the mind. 

Bergamot has a very uplifting and refreshing scent perfect for opening up the heart chakra to radiate love energy. It is also good for emotional balance and can help relieve tension during times of occasional stress. It can be soothing to the skin & has skin cleansing properties. 

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