Lavender Amethyst Eye Pillow
I love a good eye pillow! I have been using them for years but my old one was looking pretty yucky and was not washable. So I decided to step up my DIY eye pillow game and make one that has a washable cover but has other amazing soothing elements to it like lavender essential oil and amethyst crystals. I love to use my eye pillow at night to block out the light and love using one when I meditate. 

Piece of fabric 11" x 6.5", I used unbleached muslin (eye pillow)
Sewing Machine (but you could totally do this by hand too :)
Pieces of decorative fabric 7" x 26" (eye pillow cover)

Filling Supplies:
2 cups organic flax seeds
1 cup pink Himalayan Salt
1 cup dried lavender
1/4 cup small tumbled amethyst chips (I got mine on ebay)

Eye Pillow Directions
  1. Cut muslin fabric 11" x 6".  Pin and sew a 1/4" seam on 3 sides leaving one end open.
  2. Iron seams open.
  3. Turn right side out and sew flat. Turn ends in about a 1/4" and iron flat
  4. Using a funnel fill eye pillow about 1/2 way full. I used 2 cups of flax seeds, 1 cup pink Himalayan salt, 1 cup dried lavender, 1/4 cup amethyst chips and 5 drops of lavender essential oil. I added all the ingredients to a bowl and mix them well before adding to the eye pillow. Sew ends closed.
* You could totally stop here for a quick and easy project but if you would like to be able to wash the cover see steps below. 

Eye Pillow Cover Directions
  1. Cut a piece of decorative fabric 26" x 7"
  2. Fold over each end twice about 1/4" each fold and iron. This will give you a nice finished seam.
  3. Stitch each end to secure.
  4. Fold wrong sides fabric over, overlapping ends. Should be 11" long once folded. Pin to secure. Sew both sides with a 1/2" seam.

5. Iron seams open
6. Turn right side out and iron flat. 
7. Insert filled eye pillow into cover
8. Lay down and place eye pillow over eyes and relax :) 

You may be wondering why I chose the filling ingredients for this specific eye pillow. So here is a little run down of the benefits.

Flax Seeds
Flax seeds give the eye pillow a nice weight. Having a weighted eye pillow can penetrate the vagus nerve which controls many critical body functions such as: mood, immune response, digestion and heart rate. The light pressure of the eye pillow on your eyelids ends messages to this nerve to calm and relax. Click here for more info about eye pillow benefits. 

Pink Himalayan Salt
There are a million benefits to this amazing salt but why I chose it for the eye pillow is that historically salt has been used for protection, purification, cleansing and dispelling negativity. It is very grounding and can help center your energy as well. 

Both dried lavender and Lavender essential oil are used in the this recipe. Lavenders' aromatic influence is very calming and relaxing, promotes consciousness, love, peace and a general sense of well-being. Lavender has been used to promote rest and relaxation and also has a spiritual frequency which can help to open the third eye chakra. 

Amethyst Crystals
Amethyst is a great stone for protection and can help with intuition and insight, connecting to your higher self, manifestation, reduce stress and anxiety. It is associated with the third eye and crown chakras. It resonates well with Lavender essential oils making them a perfect pair for this recipe. 

All of these ingredients work well together to balance energy, calm and relax you and aid in your meditation practice. 

Want to lean more about using Lavender and Amethyst together? Check out my recent blog post: Essential oils infused crystal terrariums

New to Essential Oils? 
Have you been wanting to learn a little more about essential oils?
 Click here for access to my free digital guide Essential Oils 101. 

Want to learn more about using crystals and essential oils together?!
Click here to learn about pairing oils and crystals together.

Other posts you may like
Learn about some of the crystals and essential oils I use everyday to help keep my chakras balanced and keep fear and nervous tension at bay. 


  1. Hi Claire!
    You can cool it but I would not suggest heating it with the crystals inside of it. Let me know of you have any other questions!
  2. Hi can you heat or cool/freeze the eye pillows with Amethyst inside ?
    Thank you

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